
AGES 13-18


Bob's Bathroom Book

My first "Bob" Student, well, I can't actually remember who he was. I do remember he said something that was so funny I had to turn my back to the class. I turned and started to erase the whiteboard. When the spot I was erasing was clean, Bob said, "I think that spot is clean!" and I moved a little to the left and cleaned some more. Tears were streaming down my face, I was trying so hard to hold the laughter in. When I turned around, Bob said, "Mrs. Likes, you've been crying, are you ok?" I turned around and started erasing the now clean board until the bell rang. I hope you enjoy my Bob Stories. I hope one day you will find yourself being a Bob Student. Read the newest Bob Stories here. Feel free to submit your own!


Available in Paperback: $9.95


Available in: E-Book - Kindle Unlimited

E-Book: $3.99 / FREE on Kindle Unlimited

Paperback: $9.95

Story Tellers

Oral storytelling is an improvisational art form, one that is sometimes compared to music. Generally, a storyteller does not memorize a set text, but learns a series of script-like incidents that form a satisfying narrative arc (a plot) with a distinct beginning, middle and end. The teller visualizes the characters and settings, and then improvises the actual wording. Thus no two tellings of an oral story are exactly alike. (askdefine.com)

Before the Beginning or the End

The world is overpopulated. People are valued more as livestock and less as humans. A look into the life of an enforcer, one who has to "recycle" those who break the law.

Series to Include:

Beginning of the End

Middle of It All

End of the Beginning

This book series is not available for purchase. It's free to read and listen to.

The link below has all the current chapters, simply click on the folder to view.


TOSOM: The Other Side of Me FRESHMAN

You can read the current work at Inkitt

This is the story of a high school freshman named Amarea. Amarea has moved to a new school to be close to the foremost cancer research hospital. She has cancer. She is hairless, friendless, and wonderful. She just so happens to have the ability to communicate telepathically with Joey. The book is mainly the on-going banter between Amarea and Joey. Amarea's witty sarcasm is often lost on Joey...as it seems, so is her affection.

Throughout the course of the books a friendship ensues that follows them throughout high school and beyond.

My main inspiration for this book was my daughter. We started writing together several years ago and developed characters we thought were fun and entertaining, with voices that longed to be heard

Books in this series:

TOSOM The Other Side of Me FRESHMAN

TOSOM The Other Side of Me SOPHOMORE

TOSOM The Other Side of Me JUNIOR

TOSOM The Other Side of Me SENIOR

TOSOM The Other Side of Me BEYOND

Reviews for T.O.S.O.M. Freshman

"This story helps me to understand the trials of people who have illnesses and having to live without friends. It also shows the importance of friendship when you cannot find friends. It teaches how much words can truly hurt someone. It explains how “sticks and stones can break my bones but words can never hurt me” is just a lie, and words hurt as much on the inside as “sticks and stones” hurt on the outside. Finally, it shows how many trials and challenges come with being perpetually sick."